Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hurricane Season!

Hurricane Update!
Hurricane Earl has increased to a category 4 with wind speeds of 135 mph. He is still cruisin in the Atlantic near the Bahamas right now, and is predicted to make landfall around North and South Carolina in about 5 days. What does that mean for us here on the east coast of Florida? WAVES! Earl is predicted to send us a sizeable swell of about 8 feet on Thursday. Need a sturdy new stick to charge the swell? Come on in and check out our new shipment of about 60 new boards strait from Australia! Because after Earl we have another storm building in the Atlantic, little miss Fiona. She's still a tropical storm right now and probably won't make a big impact on land, but she should definitely send us some rideable surf! Come see us at The Pit for all your surfing needs!

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