Friday, March 25, 2011

The "Wyndham" - "WIN-Duhh" - "Winnydaham" BB "Hired Gun" & Newest Challenge Youngest PIT Sales Associate

Ok....Lets just say this: We don't ever ...Ever...NEVER EVER hire people under the age of 20-23 because of their inexperience in life and their lack of work ethic's etc these days..... BUT we recently Hired this little BB Gun that impressed us on her application. She truly is an "electric" personality...JUST remind her to SMILE if she seems too Focused or Unfocused for that matter. She lacks nothing in the confidence department and has those sharp shooter eyes that are required to function in BB Gun status here at the PIT. She will need it, when just shooting the BB gun. We'll have to see if she can relate to every one of YOU that walk in the door and not just who she thinks she should at the time. I'm sure she will do just fine as long as her managers don't have to "fire" at her to too much (She is outgunned) BUT.....she is certainly bright enough, smart enough & more than capable to talk about surf & skate for a girl her age. BEWARE....."She thinks" that she is or will be a .45 Semi Auto Kimber. We'll have to see if her actions speak as loud as her wordzzzz.....Welcome to the PIT Crew Miss Wyndham. We all here at the PIT "Hope" you make it to "Red Ryder BB Gun" status by the end of the month & we'll see what "caliber" of a person you are at the end of summer...We Hope & pray for you NOT to get fired at by the AA-12, Old Henry or whatever the owners gun is that day. Probably "Gatlin Gun" mode soooo "find some cover" in teaming up with your Managers & other sales associates!!

On a side note: PLEASE let us know if you ever experience stink eye in our shop because that is NOT what the PIT is about.

Wyndham: You may want to use this tactic to keep the guys at bay...I plan on teaching my baby girl Ella to handle guys this way when situation permits...enoy the video, at least your NOT an airsoft bb gun!

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