Monday, April 4, 2011

"A Quiver"

Quiver We've looked at how God intends, throughout life, to mold into HIS followers the character and priorities of Jesus. Let's look a little closer at what that means. Romans 8:28-29 God has been unfolding this amazing story from before time began. It has now come time for our scene to go across the stage. While that is occurring God intends to bless us by showing HIS greatness to us and the world as HIS plan unfolds. His favorite instrument in all this: mankind. Because of that, HE must kill in us the broken stuff we enter the world with, like selfishness and form Jesus in us to become self-less. As HE does this in so many attributes of our character, it reveals HIS beauty to the world. We often forget the great honor it is to be used by HIM and seek to find other and better ways for God to build HIS Kingdom. Look at what E.M. Bounds says about this in "Power Through Prayer": Men are God's method. The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men...What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use... the Holy Ghost does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men. As God looks down into the hearts in our lineups and sees the abundance of pain and suffering that is often hid from the naked eye HE has a solution: Good News. Then HE reaches into HIS "quiver" for that "magic board" for just this moment. There are many tools like technology, print, great events but these are tools not instruments. No, HE walks past them all and lays HIS hand on an instrument. HE smiles as HE remembers where this particular instrument came from and how HE has reshaped it to be used in this season. And what HE pulls from the rack is YOU. Are you rejoicing in suffering knowing that as HE sands off the rough edges that you will be better used on the day HE chooses? Are you yielding to HIS plan because your affections have been captured by HIM? Are you seizing the day for HIS glory or thinking of some other method that would work better than your weakness being empowered by HIS strength? Rejoice today that God is molding the character of Jesus into you in order to reveal HIMSELF through you.

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