Saturday, June 20, 2009

The First Person to WIN the "1st of 8" in The PIT 88 Challenges!!

Congrats to Casey Cruciano for taking home the WIN and new board on the 1st Challenge of 88! (nice photo of Mr. Cruciano as well) HEADS UP!!The 2nd challenge will begin July 1st so keep getting ready and familiar with the website in the meantime.

While Casey was able to answer some questions from his knowledge prior to the Challenge starting, I Can assure you that ALL the answers were either "Common Sense" or clickable on the website. You might have had to watch a movie as well. Here are a few questions we ask Casey in an interview after winning:

1) Was the contest hard?
It was harder than I anticipated, and lasted longer than I thought it would. About 90% of the questions were straight off the web, so those were fairly simple to find with search engines and from the PIT website or it's links. But the other 10% did require a deeper level of knowledge of the shop to figure them out. I think I spent a few hours wandering around the shop hoping to find a secret room with all of the answers. FYI - there is no such room, I've searched the premises thoroughly.
2) Did you learn anything? If so, what?
I learned a lot more about what the shop carries. In fact, I told someone out in the water this morning that the PIT 5-fins sell for less than $400. It was cool to be able to direct them on the exact price and where to find them in the shop.
3) What was the easiest question? What was the hardest?
The easiest question was also the hardest for me. That was #9 - What are the PIT's hours? When I first heard about the PIT 88 Challenge and started answering the questions, I brushed over this one too quickly and typed in the wrong answer. After submitting my answers a second time but still having some incorrect, I didn't even think to recheck this one. All along, I never double-checked this answer like I did all the others. My wife finally suggested I check it, low and behold, that was the answer I needed to win. Thanks, Jen!
4) Would you do it all over again?
Of course - I'll challenge all the challengers out there for the next surfboard. Don't let me walk away with 2 in a row!
5) Do you plan on entering the next 7 Challenges?
Yep - There will be no more holes in my quiver after the PIT Challenge is over.
6) Did you follow the directions?
7) If you had it to do over again, what would you do different?
My advice for everyone else out in web land is as follows:
(1) Click every page on the PIT website and all the links, and for the answers that aren't on the web, hang out at the shop until you figure out the rest. If all else fails, buy some gear until the employees have mercy on you and tell you the answer you need.
(2) Don't turn in your first submission until you think you have them all correct. Since you are only allowed 3 submissions, you have to use them wisely or you will run out.
(3) Don't give up and not try because there are a lot of questions. The overwhelming majority take time and patience, but not a lot of brainpower to figure out.
(4) Check the PIT Surf Shop homepage each day for free questions answered, that is the easiest way to figure out a hard one that has you stumped.
(5) Solve the next one before I do!

** ALL of Casey's correct answers will be posted on the Contest link as soon as we peons can figure it out while the manager is gone on vacation....I feel like Forest Gump
A good read: Psalms 103:13

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