Sunday, May 31, 2009

5 Questions with CJ Hobgood......

X World Champ CJ Hobgood Answers 5 questions on surfing and his faith. To see and hear more about this VERY interesting interview CLICK: CJ&CS. BONUS!! The first person to bring Clint the book that CJ says is his favorite on this video interview (above link) gets ONE question 1-87 answered of choice. Clint will trade store credit for the price of the book or give cash. His personal Number is (904)806-7005.
Plug Plug....: "ANYONE, ANYWHERE at ANYTIME" can play the PIT Challenge of 88 qustions and WIN up to $4800 in giveaways.......for more info on this very FUN Challenge CLICK: PIT88Challenge.

On Another Note: This week starting 6-1-09 we'll be discussing the Biggest & Nastiest Surf Companies in the Surfing World and what they have in common with the "BIG 5 of AFRICA" as well as the "5 NASTY" of AFRICA. We sure do think You'll be blown away by the similarities we've found over time here at the PIT Surf Shop......remember: The Mind is like a Parachute, If it's not open then it wont do you any good.

A good read: 2nd CHRONICLES 9: 1-8

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Surfer: AKA "Ronnie-One-Legged Wonder!"

Here is a really good example of just "dealing with what you are dealt in life". A surfer that I met and traveled with in the Philippines has only one leg and is one of the best surfers I've ever had the pleasure of surfing with . His attitude, determination and tenacity as a person/surfer is unmatched in all my travels around the world. The guy and his mother opened up their house to me for about 10 days, this house happened to be located on one of the main breaks in La Union, Philippines, called "Mona Lisa". We had the best of times. They even named their puppy "PIT". To see and learn more, go to these two links: PhotoGalleryPhilippines or RonnieWith. Whats your excuse for not surfing?

A good read: Matthew 6: 22

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Hyena AKA "The Scavengers"

Spotted hyenas are notorious scavengers and often dine on leftovers from other predators. But these hardy beasts can be skilled hunters, capable of taking down wildebeest or antelope. These intelligent and bold animals will raid any food stores or crop and are blamed for many livestock and even some human deaths. They like to circle their prey and have mob mentality to hunt as a pack to get what they are after. They seem to never wear out or shy off when they are onto something. For more to see, click: TheHarassers . It seems they can run but not hide.....
On Another Note: The PIT 88 Challenge #1 is still on and we offer this up to you today: The first 8 people to submit what they relate to most on the 5 Nasty of Africa, will get emailed back to them 3 answers to three questions of the 88 Challenge that WE randomly pick to for you. To learn the rules & start playing the PIT 88 challenge Click: PIT88ChallengeWIN$4800

Luke 6: 39-40

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mr. Baboon AKA "The Talker & Taker"

Did you know that Baboons use over 30 vocalizations ranging from grunts to barks to screams? Nonvocal gestures can include yawns, lip smacking and shoulder shrugging. "Sounds like a talker and not a doer"? They seem to have a tight grasp on what family means and are always near the watering hole to get some free water. Sometimes not so free, according to the Cheetahs and Leopards who like to prey on these types. A baboon's biggest predator however is man. Male baboons can have canine teeth as long as 2 inches (longer than a lion's canine teeth). For more viewing and understanding Click: CarThieves . It seems they are takers also. Don't you love those who take what's not theirs? These guys must have invented the tax system. It's the easiest, laziest way to get what they "want". They seem to have a big mouth as well. I wonder if their breath stinks? Now that's all I gotzz to say about that....Forest says.

A Good Read: Joshua 10:42

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The African Tiger Fish AKA "African Piranha"

It seemed only appropriate to blog about the African Piranha in the middle of the Nasty Five of Africa because it's usually found in the middle of the watering hole so to speak. I'm sure if it could speak then the words it would most say would be: "I plan on eating your breakfast, lunch & dinner while always wondering why it just tasted like a snack". If it could put a warning sign up at every watering hole it's found, I'm sure it would say: "You won't see me, you want hear me, but you will feel my pain... Some other interesting things about the African Piran"ha": taking care of these fish is very easy. They tend to eat anything that fits into their jaws, but can become uninterested in their food if hunting for it becomes too easy. They tend to like fish that can swim very quickly and will make catching them a challenge. Good thing these guys and the lions don't team up....Or do they? It is a jungle out there and I guess we'll never know. To see a video of this fish: ClickPiranha

On Another note: The surf has been fun and rideable and we should see much of the same today: Click SurfReport For more details. Also The PIT 88 Challenge has some very interesting characters playing......The water seems to be VERY wet and there are a lot of people getting their feet wet these days as well. Especially towards the end of the month. To play and read the rules.....GO to: Challenge the 88 and WIN up to 8 FREE NEW Surfboards, $4000.00 in Store credit or $2400 in cold hard CASH!! Challenge #1 NOW on. "Follow the directions"

A good read:

Monday, May 25, 2009

African Coral Snake AKA: Coral Cobra

The surf today should be somewhat clean and fun. More than likely some waist high nugs as well. Click SurfReport

African coral snakes, aka coral cobras (genus Aspidelaps) are related to real cobras, but then again so are the North American coral snakes. Coral cobras are similar to coral snakes in that they are a fossorial species, i.e. a species that spends most of their time underground, and both groups feed on other reptiles. The major difference is that coral cobras have a much more dramatic defense display than coral snakes, as you have seen, and coral cobras feed readily on rodents in captivity whereas coral snakes are almost always herp feeders no matter what or where they are. Coral cobras are very neat little snakes though, and not terribly toxic. They are often used as trained cobras because of that aspect, as well as their small size, their poor striking ability (because of their poor eyesight), and easy husbandry. To see more on African snakes: AfricanKingCobra AfricanMamba

My Take: A snake is a snake and like Forest gumps said: "That's all I gotz to say about that one"

A great read on this subject: Revelation 12:9

The Vulture....AKA Buzzard

Looks like some fun waist high surf this morning....

This week we'll be discussing the "NASTY 5" of Africa. Starting with the Vulture: Supreme Scavengers
Along with snakes, spiders, hyenas and sharks, vultures are regarded as the "bad guys" of the animal kingdom. Dedicated scavengers performing the vital function of removing (recycling) rotting carcasses. Vultures are not adapted to kill for themselves although there are rare instances of desperate or hungry birds taking small or weak animals. Although their somewhat reptilian facial features (not to mention their "messy" feeding habits) eliminates them from being in any "beautiful bird" line-up, they are majestic when in flight as their power and grace becomes evident.

With that learned and said.....We truly are on a scavenger hunt of sorts with the 1st of 8 PIT Challenges of 88 questions. Africa is like a box of Chocolates.....You never know what you're going to get on safari. To see more on Vultures in Action: VulturesinAction

We wonder if the guys that stole from the PIT below are vultures in their right mind. I guess we'll find out one day but for now, a great read: Leviticus 11: 13-14.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It sure is a Jungle out there...Gotta Love "THIEVES". Know these 2? Get 2 questions answered if you know these two Gump's!!

Not Only do you guys playing the Challenege get an additional opportunity at the PIT surf shop if you win the 1st of 8 Chalenges BUT you will also get 2 answers to any 2 questions on the 88 Questions. Not to mention, going down in History as the first winner of the PIT Challenge of 88.... Click for more details: RUNFOREST . If you would like to see another very intense video of what happens when robbers enter the territory then: defendingthelan

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where are all those Rhino's & Lions??

It seems that we have a lot of Leopards participating in the PIT Challenge of 88......not to mention a few Buffalo and Elephants. I wonder if the Leopards will steal the prize away or if the Elephant will throw its' weight around and stampede on in. Maybe the "Black Death Buffalo's of the world" will bully their way to the win. (They can take a shot or two)......hummm, where are all those Rhino's? Maybe somebody might get trampled by one on the 1st of the month for a free answer....I guess the Lions are just not hungry enough or maybe they are just waiting to hear that distress call I'm going to send out next week. I'm almost sure a lion likes to eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all in one breath of air and wonder why it tasted like a snack. I hope everyone plays fair but it can be a nasty world out there and thats what we'll be discussing come early Monday morning : The "Nasty 5 Of Africa"(per X's Opinion). If you would like to play the PIT Challenge of 88, we are still on the 1st of 8 Challenges and the rules can be found at: Chargeitlikevisa&doitlikenike

Friday, May 22, 2009

The ELEPHANT.. AKA: "The Biggest"

Huge, impressive and majestic beasts, they have earned their place as one of Africa’s 'Big 5'. Bigger is definitely better in the world of elephants, even if it means just looking big. African elephants are the largest of Earth's land mammals. Their enormous ears (looking like the continent of Africa in shape) help them to keep cool in the hot African climate. An elephant's trunk is actually a long nose used for smelling, breathing, trumpeting, drinking, and also for grabbing things—especially a potential meal. The trunk can be both gentle and strong at the same time, as it is capable of killing a lion--or comforting a frightened elephant calf.
It seems family is everything to the elephant and its weight and size is thrown around often in a display of "I'm the biggest & smartest". That look in their eyes almost smiles at you sometimes as if to say: I know something you don't know........makes you wonder why one political party choose it as their symbol? Maybe there was no species of "jackasses" left. In the political world of leaders, it seems everyone wants to plan as a Leopard, work & roar as lion, set revenge as Cape Buffalo, ram as a Rhino & throw their weight around as an Elephant. End result: getting nothing done except taxing & stealing from the rest of society at large.......why you may ask? Because they can and will......they are the "BIG 5" of Africa.
Get your 1 FREE answer to any question of choice on the PIT challenge of 88. Submit your requested answer of question 1-87 & "your choice" of the big 5 African animals that most describes your personality, via email please at Remember: ANYONE AT ANYTIME ANYWHERE in the WWW can play the PIT's Challenge of 88 questions to win up to $4800 dollars in giveaways. Click Rules&RegulationsPITchallenge for more info.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mr. Leopard

"The Leopard, panthera pardus, is the largest spotted cat in Africa, and is a powerful symbol of the wild places of earth: it is solitary, beautiful, graceful, strong, agile and cunning. They are the most widely distributed and successful of the world's large cats, inhabiting more diverse habitats than any mammal, with the exception of man and certain rodents.
Although smaller than a Lion the leopard is often more feared. It is more fierce, brave and very intelligent: a perfectly streamlined killing machine with exceptional hearing, good eyesight and sensitive, extra-long whiskers which help it avoid obstacles in the dark." To see leopards at their best: Leopardsoutwitoutclimb

On another note: they tend to "Manage" THE SITUATION" with ease.....c.c.r.
If you are intrested in seeing what Leopards can do with Hyenas then Click:

For all who are Challenging the 88 ...... I offer this: This is the 4th day of 5 days that we have and will be talking about the BIG 5 of Africa. After the 5th day (Friday 5-22-09) we will be offering 1 free answer of your choice for questions 1-87. All you must do is submit your pick of one question you want answered and of which annimal YOU most relate to out of the Big 5 animals of Africa (Elephant, Rhino, Lion, Leopard & Cape Buffalo). The answer to the one submitted question of your choice will then be sent back to you via email. This is limited to one question and choice of the 5 per person (if you submit more than 1, your email/Ip address will be blocked) Please send email to: (Please allow up to 72 hours for a's first come first "replied")

The Cape Buffalo....of the Africa Big 5...AKA: "Black Death"

The Cape Buffalo is best understood by its "Bullseye", age, wisdom & deadly horns that hook and throw when preyed on.....

On another note: Mr. Bobby Martinez claims Billabong Pro Tahiti ( a handball player according to profile) with Mexican Skin as thick as a Rhino. Additionally he represents a Cape Buffalo with a Mexicans "Bullseye". His wordzzzz.....: “I actually borrowed a board from Alain Riou (local Tahitian surfer),” Martinez said. “He rides Darren Handley shapes (DHD) and the board was the same dimensions and pretty much the same board I ride. To see more:Click 2009TeahupooHighlites

We at the PIT sure are ready for someone to win the Challenge of 88 so that we can start the second Challenge that the "el torro's" Wifee ....Renee nea, DD, Bossy is compiling.....I'm sure there will be 6 -8 loaded questions from ccr BUT count on 82 good ones from the wife who likes the #2.
For More Details, the rules & the 88 questions Click: PIT88Challenge

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The White Rhino

Who will be the winner of the Asp World Surfing Tour at Teahupoo? Should be neat to see what happens in Teahupoo with Slater & Parko both falling out yesterday. Which Aussie will it be? Or will it be Bobby Martinez? Andy could hand them the Iron, served up on a cold dish. What about Jordy Smith out of SOUTH Africa (you never know)? Whatever happens, I bet a Rhino with thick skin will win.......

The White Rhino is one of two rhino species in Africa. The White Rhino's name is derived from the Dutch "weit," meaning wide, a reference to its wide, square muzzle which is adapted for grazing. The white rhino, which is actually gray, has a pronounced hump on the neck and a long face.
If you would like to see how a Rhino and Lion interact with one another then click here: Video

I guess the Lion is wise enough to pick his own battles, when & where he needs to. I'd hate to see something that is "actually thick skinned" charging towards me with no weapon in hand. The impact must be brutal for whatever it hits.......
As for the PIT 88 Challenge: It seems some may need the 1st day of the month to come around and help them on their quest to be the 1st WINNER of the 8 Challenges of the PIT 88 questions.
Amazing how many things have been created in HIM.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lets talk about the Big 5 of Africa......Surfs Up by the way!!

The Lion......all the reasons why he is the King of the Jungle (even though he's not in the jungle at all) are found in his eyes.....enough said right?

Now about the surf: It looks like we will have building surf all day with the biggest days being Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with somewhat manageable winds. For more info click: Surf Report

GO SURF!! It most certainly is UP!!

If you are stuck inside today with the rain and are wondering what lions can do in eights, then watch the video link below....WARNING! Huge WARNING! It is not for the faint at heart, do not view this if you don't want to see nature taking its' course! Link: Video

Sunday, May 17, 2009

That Hot "DAWG" will hunt.......

Mr. Bashee as of two days ago. We renamed him after 10 years of being Sebastian (The Inlet). He deserves it & misses the PIT for those of you who remember when he worked all day and every day. He has always wondered if those are "Kool-cats" or "Copy-cats". His dad ccr is excited about going to Africa with "Dr. V" to see what time it is & see if we can hit the eye of a "Bulls-eye". Check the photo gallery for sure on that one when we return from the hunt. Me thinks I will wear my "watering hole" safari hat to remember that I'm Surfer 1st and 2nd on a lot...more details to come but remember this blog on PIT Challenge #8 NOT PIT Challenge #1. Speaking of which...I wonder who will be the 1st of 8 to win the Challenge of 88. LINK: Challenge

I better go check our e-mail to see the answers.....after all, it is the weekend. c.c.r.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just a quick update!

Hello St. Augustine! Just wanted to do a quick little update after such a crazy busy week! We still have TONS of super cute bikinis on sale: 30% off or buy one get one 50% off, what a deal! People are still getting closer and closer to winning the Challenege of 88, but we have yet to announce a winner. Test your knowledge and win a FREE surfboard! doesn't get any better than that!!! Win that board and you could go shred these nice waves we've had the past few days. Speaking of shredding, come out to St. Augustine Beach this weekend to check out the surf contest going on at the pier. Everyone have a safe and most of all fun filled weekend! And remember to ALWAYS wear your seatbelt, please!

Wakie - Wakie!....Eggs & Bakie

Wakie - Wakie!....Eggs & Bakie. Hello WWW it's another beautiful day here in St. Augustine Florida.....with some surf no doubt. Check out our two live beach cameras for free at: Surf Report
or if you're stuck inside today on the computer then you might want to try out the PIT Challenge of 88 questions to win up to $4800 dollars. Win a new $600 surfboard, $500 store credit or $400 cash at:
88 Challenge

I once had a friend tell me after a game of handball that: "you better be tough if you're gonna be stupid" & then I remembered that Forest Gump said: Stupid is as stupid does.......but life is for sure like a box of chocolates. YOU never know what you're gonna get. HAVE FUN TODAY & if your at the beach, stop in at the PIT and check out the new gear or take up surfing with a 2 hour lesson.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sometimes 3 x's a Charm......

Whites got one lining up on the outside...... BUT Black is the front runner in this heat. The suns glaring so hard, all the jerseys look black but we'll figure it out. We have spotters on the beach with the best in Binoculars. What do we have here......Red on the inside, where did that come from? I've never seen a move like that. What would you call that one Deano? Probably an Alligator Roll or something. Doing HIS work in HIM is hard at times but no doubt the most fun. More Pics of the "Turkey Classic" located at:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Charged & Paid...

Sometimes in life when surfing in a far away land or in life in general, or just on the WWW you have to pay a price if you charge it too is a good friend of mine that seemed to have the right attitude towards these types of things. Mr. D-Lo himself in action. To see more about this really challenging Super FUN trip, go to: Sometimes "thunders does strike like Lightning" "Just Charge it like Visa & Do it like _____.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm working at the PIT today and I really like it...

It sure is fun working here at the PIT Surf Shop. I've never learned so much about people, things, Taxes, Insurance, Neighbors, Sponsorship, Competition, Friends & Much much more more in this thing we call life.........On another note: In the PIT Challenge of 88 I have learned that some need to clip thoose "Chicken Wings" and grab a pair of "Eagle Wings" in order to win the challenge so we can get going with Challenge #2 of the 8 in the Challenge of 88......ALL CAN PLAY FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AT ANYTIME on the PIT Challenge and win up to $4800 in cash & prizes (click link below for more details) blah,blogg, blahhh. X

PIT Challenge

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Dakine

Brand new in just an hour ago are new purses from Dakine! We got in OVER 30 new styles in different colors and sizes. Also new are several new surfing DVD's, as well as some brand new Smith sunglasses! Come in before we close tonight and get a look at our new inventory! Hurry before it all goes!

New Creature and Sanuks!

Come into the Pit on this rainy Tuesday and check out our brand new selection of Creature trackpads and men and womens Sanuks! We have a wide variety of sizes and styles for the sidewalk surfers, so comfortable and definitely something you can sport around town! The Challenge of 88 is as exciting as its ever been, a few have come close, but no one has officially beaten the game yet! Will you be the first? Who knows?! We also just switched the shop up, and have a new set up, so come and check it out!

Joshua 1: 8

Joshua 1: 8 (a nice read......)

Monday, May 11, 2009

10 Days into the 88 Challenge....

Well......Blah, Blaag, Bloog: We are now officially 10 days into the PIT 88 Challenge and there have been plenty attempts at the 88 questions. We have had 1 or 2 come extremely close to the prize but "still no idea" of when or who will win the first of 8 challenges and walk away with that $600 surfboard, $500 store credit or $400 hard cash PLEASE NOTE: We have had to change question #53 going forward for many reasons, however(Either the old or new question/answer to #53 will be accepted if you have already submited your answers once or twice ... Remember: "ANYONE, FROM ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME" can win the 88 challenge. Test your skills at answering 88 questions at this link below on the PIT website: 88 Challenge
ALL the rules, regulations and questions can be found at the link above as well. I once was told or read somewhere that the definition of AVERAGE is: The best of the worst & the worst of the best?

remember...YOU CAN DO IT just like Nike did

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day St. Augustine!!!! It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, perfect day for the beach. We just got in three new Stand Up Paddle Boards and they look like loads of fun. We have 10' and 10'6. All paddle boards come with a paddle too which are valued at $300! It's a SUPER great deal! We also have a few sales going on around the store. Right now select bikinis are 30% off or buy one get one 50% off, all wetsuits are 30% off, and girl's pants and jeans are just $20!!! Come in today to check out our sales and other new products, like the new Spy Tron sunglasses! P.S. Don't forget to tell your mother how much she means to you!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sunny Saturday

Simply put, it is absolutely gorgeous out and very hot, the perfect kind of weather for a day at St. Augustine Beach. And as always, we have plenty of sunscreen to protect you from those harsh UV rays. Remember the sun is your friend in small doses, but it can ALWAYS be your friend if you wear sunscreen and cool off in the ocean every now and then. Brand new women's bikinis in from Rusty, and some very cute summer shorts in hot pink, blue, and black. Come and get them while they're hot! And how awesome are the new Spy sunglasses we just got in, in purple and blue, the Tron style (soooo fresh). If you don't get here quick, I just might have to get them myself. Come and visit us today at the Pit and cool off in our nice air conditioned store, while also browsing for beach gear.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mr. Joel Parkinson Said:

For all of you who are chasing that DREAM of being a pro surfer and getting paid to surf one day on the World tour or just surf for FREE then I would learn from who's on top right now......Mr. Joel Parkinson's words below on the asp world tour website:

Joel Said,
The difference this year has been my understanding of what it takes to get the best out of myself and then my desire to do what it takes, Parkinson said. “Making sure that every day, I am better prepared than what I was the day before and that preparation is specific to each contest that I compete in.”

Joel Parkinson is currently raked 1st on the ASP World Tour and has two first place finishes in the bag already. The third event of the year is set t begin today in Tahiti (Teahupoo). Watch Online.......will Kelly Slater come back (Don't count him out) or do all the Aussies have his number & letter. It seems the ladder at the moment. Joel,Mick, Taj, Bede, Ace Buchan, Dean Morrison........lets watch and see:

Brand New Rusty

Friday evening...what we've been waiting all week for and it's finally here! New Rusty bikinis and swim shorts are also in for women, which means we have a colorful new selection of swim wear at a great price! Also this weekend there's a pretty cool music scene, and tonight, Snoop Dogg is in St. Augustine! I hope he puts on an amazing show for all who attend, and I'm sad I'm going to miss it. It's going to be a beautiful weekend, so come into the Pit for whatever your beach desires may be!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Surf Today

Fun surf out front today....took out my new 9'1 PIT Quad cc rider. Water was perfect temp. GET ON IT!!!

Pitting Vs. Spitting

Here at the PIT we've always liked to get Pitted but now we have found once again that Spitting Pits are not a bad thing either........with that said, lets talk about the $4800.00 up for grabs for "ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME" on the PIT challenge of 88 questions:

Its getting heated up with the amount of people submitting their questions.....and I'd like to just SPIT 1 offer of advice to you "challengers out there": Keep it simple and click away on the www but for sure the for most of your answers. Most importantly HAVE FUN!!

ALL submissions of the 88 questions MUST be submitted ONLY at please allow 72 hrs for a response in the order you came in.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Katin

Just in today on Cinco de Mayo are brand new Katin boardshorts in 4 different colors and styles! So come in today and grab a pair of them before they run out! Also, for those of you who have been in the store recently, you might have noticed we were out of Mrs. Palmers Warm...alas, we have plenty in stock as of this afternoon. So no more tears, it has arrived! Also new in the store are the Stand Up Paddleboards, which you can take out on the ocean and see how well you fare battling the waves! The Paddleboards are not only fun to ride in the waves, but they also offer an extremely challenging workout for your arms. Speaking of challenges, the Challenge of 88 is still going strong, and as I have said before, don't count on Pit employees to give you the answers, heck...we might even be trying our skills out, you never know! And again, have a rockin' good time if you're celebrating Cinco de Mayo and stay safe!

PIT Challenge of 88

ANYONE CAN PLAY THE CHALLENGE FORM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Just answer the 88 questions correctly and be the first to do so and WIN!! We are currently still on challenge get going and submit all 88 questions to . You can submit your questions on each challenge up to 3 times, then you must wait for the next challenge to start.

Cinco de Mayo

The Challenge of 88 is really on now, for all of you brave enough to face it you've got some real competitors! Some people have already submitted their answers, which means you better hop to it! It is hot as heck out there, and for those of you who haven't been in our shop, it's very cool and feels great to hang out on a day like today. Come check out our sale bikinis, jerseys, and pants, all at great prices. Also, for that new skatepark in town we've got plenty of new decks, as well as our very own Pit board which comes in many different sizes. And I don't have to stress enough how badly you need to grab some of those FCS Performance Core fins, they are stylish and super wave friendly. Come visit us on this HOT Tuesday, and to all you who are celebrating, happy Cinco de Mayo! May you have a very fun and safe fiesta!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Arbor Boards Now In!

New Arbor Boards just came in! As Arbor puts it, "You can't just be green for the sake of being green." With that being said these boards are made from all natural materials to create a better looking, better performing, and more durable skateboard. So why drive somewhere if you can skate there instead! What makes Arbor Skateboards so "green"? Arbor boards are made from all wood and bamboo, both of which are renewable resources. The clear re-grip is made from crushed recycled glass, all sanding sealers and topcoats are water-based, and all risers are made with recycled plastic. These boards are equipped with either Gullwing Charger, Gullwin Mission 1, or Revenge Alpha 2 trucks. Arbor has reached out to the lowbrow, street, and tattoo art communities and the entire 2009 line are artist collaborations. Help keep the planet green this summer by picking up one of our new Arbor boards!

BLAH BLAH BLAH....Blog blog blog

Is there ANYONE ELSE ???? Run Forest run.......Challenge 88 is still alive and well it seems. Lets see what you got St. Auggie and the rest of the world for that matter ANYONE CAN PLAY FROM ANY COUNTRY!!. ALL questions about the rules of the game and ALL answers need to be submitted to: The direct link to the rules of the 88 Challenge: RULES


Saturday, May 2, 2009 is a hot one here today at St. Augustine Beach! It is super important that all you beachgoers stock up on sunscreen, the combination of the sun and the heat can be dangerous if you aren't wearing sun protection and cooling off every so often in the ocean! We have plenty of different sunscreen in our shop, with varying degrees of SPF, as well as kid friendly lotion. And if you do any surfing, or even body surfing, you should come and pick up a rashguard which gives you UV protection as well as some protection from the sand. We have hundreds of different rashguards from all the best brands, Rusty, Rip Curl, Xcel, FCS, and of course, our very own Pit rashguards in some sweet colors. Also at the Pit today some of our sale items will be out on the deck, so if you're just rolling by you should check it out, 30% off on some, and $20 or under on the whole right side of the rack! What a deal! Also fresh in the store are the new FCS Performance Core fins, super high tech and unique to Florida for sure. You might just be the only one out on the water to have them already! Ellement decks, wheels, and trucks just came in and are now out of their boxes! So come in today, cool off, and take a break from the heat and the sun. And to all of you Challengers out there, good luck with the 88 questions. My hat's off to you if you can do it, and do it right!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Challenge of 88

The Challenge of 88, rack your brain and win an amazing prize: you get to pick one of three sweet deals. Remember, all of the answers are found on our website, or there is a link somewhere on the Pit site leading you to the right answer. What if I cannot find them on the website, you might ask. Figure it out some other way, but don't count on us at the shop to just give you the answers! It's a Challenge, may the best man/woman win! Also, today on this lovely Friday and great beginning to the weekend, Stir It Up had some really mellow live music on the deck. It's such a beautiful day to get to the beach especially in the evening, and take a dip in the water or play football or frisbee on the beach (we have both frisbees and footballs for a great price and in some cool colors). Anyway, keep on guessin' and see if you have what it takes to be the first Challenge winner!

Day 1 of the Challenge

The Challenge of 88 started today, and at 9:05 our first customer Jeff came in to pick up his 5-Fin fish and told us his favorite number 1-87 was 13. Soooo today question #13 is revealed to you. The answer is- A surf DVD by Rusty.

Have you started the challenge yet? This is a chance for anybody to win a FREE surfboard! It does not matter if you live in Florida, overseas or Idaho. Start today and see how you do, everybody has three chances per challenge (There will be eight challenges)! Shipping cost of challenge won is not included....sorry, the budget is $4800.00