Friday, May 29, 2009

The Hyena AKA "The Scavengers"

Spotted hyenas are notorious scavengers and often dine on leftovers from other predators. But these hardy beasts can be skilled hunters, capable of taking down wildebeest or antelope. These intelligent and bold animals will raid any food stores or crop and are blamed for many livestock and even some human deaths. They like to circle their prey and have mob mentality to hunt as a pack to get what they are after. They seem to never wear out or shy off when they are onto something. For more to see, click: TheHarassers . It seems they can run but not hide.....
On Another Note: The PIT 88 Challenge #1 is still on and we offer this up to you today: The first 8 people to submit what they relate to most on the 5 Nasty of Africa, will get emailed back to them 3 answers to three questions of the 88 Challenge that WE randomly pick to for you. To learn the rules & start playing the PIT 88 challenge Click: PIT88ChallengeWIN$4800

Luke 6: 39-40

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