Monday, May 25, 2009

The Vulture....AKA Buzzard

Looks like some fun waist high surf this morning....

This week we'll be discussing the "NASTY 5" of Africa. Starting with the Vulture: Supreme Scavengers
Along with snakes, spiders, hyenas and sharks, vultures are regarded as the "bad guys" of the animal kingdom. Dedicated scavengers performing the vital function of removing (recycling) rotting carcasses. Vultures are not adapted to kill for themselves although there are rare instances of desperate or hungry birds taking small or weak animals. Although their somewhat reptilian facial features (not to mention their "messy" feeding habits) eliminates them from being in any "beautiful bird" line-up, they are majestic when in flight as their power and grace becomes evident.

With that learned and said.....We truly are on a scavenger hunt of sorts with the 1st of 8 PIT Challenges of 88 questions. Africa is like a box of Chocolates.....You never know what you're going to get on safari. To see more on Vultures in Action: VulturesinAction

We wonder if the guys that stole from the PIT below are vultures in their right mind. I guess we'll find out one day but for now, a great read: Leviticus 11: 13-14.

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