Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mr. Baboon AKA "The Talker & Taker"

Did you know that Baboons use over 30 vocalizations ranging from grunts to barks to screams? Nonvocal gestures can include yawns, lip smacking and shoulder shrugging. "Sounds like a talker and not a doer"? They seem to have a tight grasp on what family means and are always near the watering hole to get some free water. Sometimes not so free, according to the Cheetahs and Leopards who like to prey on these types. A baboon's biggest predator however is man. Male baboons can have canine teeth as long as 2 inches (longer than a lion's canine teeth). For more viewing and understanding Click: CarThieves . It seems they are takers also. Don't you love those who take what's not theirs? These guys must have invented the tax system. It's the easiest, laziest way to get what they "want". They seem to have a big mouth as well. I wonder if their breath stinks? Now that's all I gotzz to say about that....Forest says.

A Good Read: Joshua 10:42

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