Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Surfer: AKA "Ronnie-One-Legged Wonder!"

Here is a really good example of just "dealing with what you are dealt in life". A surfer that I met and traveled with in the Philippines has only one leg and is one of the best surfers I've ever had the pleasure of surfing with . His attitude, determination and tenacity as a person/surfer is unmatched in all my travels around the world. The guy and his mother opened up their house to me for about 10 days, this house happened to be located on one of the main breaks in La Union, Philippines, called "Mona Lisa". We had the best of times. They even named their puppy "PIT". To see and learn more, go to these two links: PhotoGalleryPhilippines or RonnieWith. Whats your excuse for not surfing?

A good read: Matthew 6: 22

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