Thursday, July 9, 2009

Don't really know.....

We picked this "deep Sea Creature" because we don't really know what it's capable of and it looks like it's on a mission for sure. I wonder who that could be on the WCT? Maybe this thing is a grouper with all the injuries of the sea and it got in a fight with some really bad Jelly fish? seems to be mad and focused now...The fish in today's blog is called a fanfin seadevil, caulophryne jordani.The females are much larger then the males (males reach a length of about1.6cm) , but still only 20cm long...and when a male finds a female hebites her and his skin actually fuses to her body...he becomes herparasite. All black, live in deep deep sea (Indian, Atlantic, andPacific).
On Another Note: The 2nd PIT 88 Chalenge is underway thanks to Clint's wife Danielle and her choice of questions for all to answer. Win a new surfboard up to $600 or $500 store credit or $400 cash. Up to $4800 in total giveaways. ANYONE, ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME IN THE W.W.W. CAN PLAY AND WIN! Click here for more: PIT88Challenge

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